Hard Drive It: Audi R8 Diecast Model with 250-640GB Data Storage Capacity

Many gear heads like ourselves, like to decorate their office desk with scale model cars that chances are, will never be able to afford in this life. Now what better for our congested workspace if the scale model could also incorporate a hard drive? Well, at least that seems to be the idea behind the products of a company called Flash Rods that specializes on scale model cars with integrated flash or hard drives.
Hard Drive It: Audi R8 Diecast Model with 250-640GB Data Storage Capacity (10月25日/CARSCOOP)

ほっほう・・・Audi R8 の1/18ダイキャストモデル型の外付けストレージってか?
既に発売済みの Dodge Challenger や Nissan GT-R の250GBモデルで$209.99ですって。