Audi-Peugeot Rematch at Petit Le Mans?

Following Audi's win over Peugeot on Sunday at Le Mans, the diesel powers already were looking forward to a rematch. But it could come much sooner than next year's running of the 24 Hours.
Both Sebastien Bourdais and Stephane Sarrazin said they would welcome the chance to race against Audi again at the 1,000-mile/10-hour Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta. The cornerstone event of the American Le Mans Series is set for October 6.
Audi-Peugeot Rematch at Petit Le Mans? (6月20日/Fourtitude)

Le Mansの興奮冷めやらぬ状態ですが、あくまでも「実現したらいいな」という感じで。(^^ゞ