Audi R10 TDI's speed is victorious at Le Mans

Today Audi Sport Team Joest took the honors for being the first team ever to win the 24 Heures du Mans with a diesel powered car. The number Eight R10 TDI V12 Diesel driven by Frank Biela, Emanuele Pirro and Marco Werner took the checker flag after showing how unstoppable the new Audi package can be at the circuit of La Sarthe. Throughout the event the Audis have had a pace faster than any of their competition with pure speed and longer stints, even with problems during the race.
Audi R10 TDI's speed is victorious at Le Mans (6月18日/

やりましたね、Audi R10 ! ディーゼルエンジン搭載車が Le Mans 24 Hours Race デビューウィンです。優勝は8号車の F.BIELA/E.PIRRO/M.WERNER組、3位に惜しくも連続ル・マン優勝記録保持者の T.KRISTENSENを擁する R.CAPELLO/A.MC NISH組。1−2とはいきませんでしたが、耐久のAudiの面目を保ったレースでした。来期は同じ土俵にプジョーが上がってきます(もう来期の話かよ)。ディーゼル同士のガチンコが見られることでしょう。