Audi Claims Pole with TDI Power at Le Mans

In qualifying for the Le Mans 24 Hour race, Audi yet again demonstrated in a stunning way the performance of TDI Power. The brace of new Audi R10 TDI cars were by far the quickest in final qualifying. The two sportscars powered by 650-hp diesel engines will start from the front row on Saturday at 1700 hrs.
Audi Claims Pole with TDI Power at Le Mans (6月15日/Fourtitude)

うほーっ! いつの間にやら逆転してるし。フロントロー独占ですな。これではPole to Win ですやん。(^^)v おっとっと、ここには『魔物』が棲んでいるので油断は禁物です。さて、身内での争いになるのか、サプライズがあるのか。。。。って、日本対クロアチア戦と被ってるし。(泣)

Audi claims pole with TDI Power at Le Mans (6月15日/