Award for the TFSI Engine of the Audi R8

The Audi R8 is the most successful Le Mans prototype ever and is still the world’s only race car to combine direct fuel injection and turbo charging. For its TFSI technology, which initially established itself on the race track and, meanwhile, inspires high-volume production, Audi was honoured yet again: An international panel of experts presented Ulrich Baretzky, Head of Engine Technology at Audi Sport, with the "Race Engine Designer of the Year Award”.
Award for the TFSI Engine of the Audi R8 (11月14日/Fourtitude)

この Audi R8 に積まれている V8 3.6L TFSI(ツインターボ直噴エンジン)が、絶賛に継ぐ絶賛でございます。ライバルがいなかったことは否定できませんが、77戦で61勝ですから。VWの戦略の上でルマン優勝したベントレーがいなかったら、6連覇達成できたものを。。。