Audi leads the image stakes in Germany

A poll of more than 30,000 readers of the German motoring magazine "Auto Zeitung" has produced a clear-cut result: Audi has the best image out of all the automotive manufacturers represented on the German market. In the words of the "Auto Zeitung" editors: "Audi leads the way by a surprisingly large margin. As the most dynamic climber in the survey, the brand appeals to our readers more than its successful competitors."
Audi leads the image stakes in Germany (7月16日/

ドイツの自動車雑誌Auto Zeitungの読者30,000人以上による投票の結果、Audiのメーカーとしてのイメージが一番なんですって。今やMBやBMWを凌いでプレミアム・セグメントの頂点に君臨。だけど日本でのイメージは。。。。地味です。『地味』・・・嫌いではないですが。(^^ゞ