Audi A8L is "America's Best Luxury Car"

The Audi A8L has been voted "America's Best Luxury Car" by the US trade magazine AutoWeek. Audi's flagship model, which is built entirely of aluminium, finished ahead of the Lexus LS 430 and the Maybach 57/62. AutoWeek, America's largest automotive weekly makes the "AutoWeek Award" each year to outstanding vehicles in a variety of categories.
Audi A8L is "America's Best Luxury Car" (7月16日/

Audi A8L*1 が、米国業界誌AutoWeekによって『アメリカの最良の高級車』と認められたそうな。Lexus LS 430 を押さえての堂々のトップです。1年で5,640台以上の販売実績か。多いのか少ないのか正直ピンときません。

*1:ロングホイールベース仕様の A8