Audi A5 Sportback Caught on Southern California Photo Shoot

Automotive enthusiasts must revel in the modern age of citizen journalists, though we guess professional spy photogs and car companies may not be as enthused. Take for instance the once-easy process of a photo shoot of a car not yet revealed… like the Audi A5 Sportback. While such a process may once have been easy, getting that footage or those glamour shots now, and on a busy campus like the University of California San Diego, without getting caught by any infinite number of student iPhone or Blackberry cameras is a virtual impossibility. In this case, two particularly aware students did a little more than a double take.
Audi A5 Sportback Caught on Southern California Photo Shoot (6月24日/Fourtitude)

んが・・・・これ、意図的リークちゃうん? とほのかな疑問。(^^;