Independent Design Focus: Audi A7 and A1 by CG Artist Gabriel RABHI

Design is a paramount tenet of the Audi brand, and given its success in that field, it’s no surprise that many independent designers and design students choose Audi as the subject of their projects. With that in mind, Fourtitude publishes an ongoing editorial series focusing on an independent spin on Audi design. Designers and students outside of Audi’s numerous design studios offer an alternative slant, sometimes but not always different from Audi’s own corporate design language. As the second subject of this series, we take a look at French CGI artist, video game and graphical programmer, multimedia programmer and composer Gabriel Rabhi and his approach to the much-rumored Audi A7 four-door coupe and the also-rumored Audi A1.
Independent Design Focus: Audi A7 and A1 by CG Artist Gabriel RABHI (2月5日/Fourtitude)

Fourtitude のTopページを見て、思わず「今日は4月1日か??」とアホなことを思ってしまったではないか。。。(ーー;
出る出ると噂の4ドアクーペボディを持つという A7 の予想CG。なんのことはない、デザイナーの卵建ちが描いた戯れ絵(こう言っちゃ失礼だけど。真剣に描いてるのも理解はできるけど。。。)だったわ。あぁーびっくりした。
A1に至っては。。。(絶句) やっぱり、シングルフレームをなんとかして欲しい。( ̄□ ̄)
この流れは当分変わらんのですよね。うぅっ (T-T)