Audi takes Belgian Vanina Ickx into the DTM

For the first time since 1995, a woman starts in the world's most popular touring car race series: Vanina Ickx contests the 2006 DTM with an Audi A4 DTM in the new DTM team run by Dr Colin Kolles. The Belgian would not be the first female Audi works driver to show the men what's what: Driving the Audi quattro, Michèle Mouton was the first, and to date, the only woman to win a World Rally Championship round. In 1982, the French lady narrowly missed winning the World Championship title. In the 1990s, the Italian Tamara Vidali created quite a stir with the Audi A4 quattro in Super Touring Car racing.
Audi takes Belgian Vanina Ickx into the DTM (2月19日/

F1ドライバーで、ル・マン6回優勝者のJacky Ickx(ジャッキー・イクス)の娘、VaninaがDTM、それもAudi Works Driver として参戦するようです。ま、過去にはWRCAudi quatroを操った女性ドライバー*1もいましたが。でもマシンは2004年の中古です。(^^ゞ

*1:Michèle Mouton(ミシェル・ムートン)フランス人、1981年のサン・レモラリーでアリ・バタネンを押さえ初優勝。