Special Exhibition in the Audi Museum Mobile

As from February, visitors to the Audi Forum Ingolstadt can take part in a study programme of a very special kind: between 1 February and 30 April 2006, fascinating vehicle studies will be on show at the Audi museum mobile. The “Study programme” special exhibition features a total of twelve spectacular exhibits. Stunning prototypes from Audi’s history, which were unveiled to expert audiences at a wealth of different exhibitions around the world, can now be “studied” in detail in Ingolstadt.
Special Exhibition in the Audi Museum Mobile (1月24日/Fourtitude)

Audi Museum Mobile」の特別展で、すんごいクルマ達を見ることが出来るようです。実に羨ましい。歴代のコンセプトカーもです。例えば「Avus quattro」、quattro Spyder」、「Project Rosemeyer」、「Nuvolari quattro」とか。ドイツに行かれる方は、ぜひ見てみては?