First Official Photos of A3 Sportback with Open Sky System

Almost overlooked at the Paris Auto Show was a red Audi A3 Sportback with an odd black roof. Looking more closely, some may have noticed that the car was one of the first A3s to be displayed with Audi痴 new open sky sunroof system.
First Official Photos of A3 Sportback with Open Sky System (11月18日/Fourtitude)

あらぁ、屋根が真っ黒けでダブルサンルーフなのね。陽光を取り入れることが好きな欧州人には受けるかも。上屋が重たくなるから(40kg増しぐらい??)操安性にどう響くのか響かないのかが気になります。この A3 Sportback いいかも、重さを除けば。(苦笑)