Class-Leading Residual Values Predicted for the New Audi A4

Now open for UK ordering, the latest Audi A4 models will retain significantly more of their value after three years or 60,000 miles than their prestige German rivals, according to predictions in the latest issue of CAP Monitor, the leading Industry guide to future values.
Class-Leading Residual Values Predicted for the New Audi A4 (11月10日/Fourtitude)

へぇ、イギリスではA4の3年後もしくは60,000マイル後の残存価格がこのクラスで一番なんですって。それもTDIの人気がすごいようで。購入代金の42%かぁ。。。。My A4は残存価格10%あるのか???(「無い」に1票!)