
FSI for the Audi A6 and A8

The new engine is available in the new 2007 model year for all A6 models and for the standard-wheelbase and long-wheelbase versions of the A8. The basic prices are € 61,300 for the A6 4.2 FSI quattro saloon and € 76,200 for the A8 4.2 FSI …

The New Audi A6 allroad quattro

The sporty elegance of an A6 Avant given a new slant with distinctive off-road elements – the new Audi A6 allroad quattro is a car without compare. With credentials including immense technological prowess, remarkable handling both on and o…




このイベントは、「ジャパンルマンチャレンジ全日本スポーツカー耐久選手権」の第2戦が行われるサーキットで、近く日本導入予定のハイパフォーマンスモデル、『RS4』、『S6』、『S8』を試乗できる同社としては初の大規模なカスタマー試乗イベント。 アウディ…